12-week Effective Business Communication Bootcamp
Learn how to manage up and across the organization; communicate, collaborate effectively with your managers and team members within the company, and build a great digital brand at various social channels to attract better career opportunities.
Class Schedule: starting Oct 27, 2021 ending Jan 18, 2022. Total 12 weeks. No classes: 12/29/2021, Live Classes: Wednesday 5-6 PM PT, plus recorded classes
Speaking Natural English with Pat Zimmerman
Accent Reduction consists of live practice/critiques with Pat, six people per class, 45 minutes each live class, Pre-recorded class 30-45 each time, Suplymentoary material and videos as well. You are welcome to sit in any on-going classes if you join now while waiting for your future slots for live correction.
The 5 and 6 sessions are opening Jan 30: 9-9;45 AM, Saturday , session 6: Sunday afternoon: 3-3:45 PM

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